#Myrole Model is Grandfather

A role model for me is someone who is inspires me a lot and is simple down to earth person,who loves his country more than his family and follow rights and duties as a responsible citizen plus many more.
Every one has someone or the other who is considered as Idol candidate and acts a source of inspiration to others and gives motivation to that person.
In my case I have two role models in my family,my first choice is my great grand father and other person is cricketer Sir Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar.I see these two personalities as my idol and try to get positives from both of them in order to succeed in my life.
My lovely grandfather Kishan Lal is my real hero and role model in this world and someone who completely understand me and always gives the  right solution and ready to talk to me for hours on any topic ranging from politics to adventure.
My grand father is a REAL MEN and I have always seen him smiling no matter how tough a situation is and his top quality to remain Calm and Honest.

One of the instances which I feel proud of him is he saved life of many animals and  specially those stray dogs and still make sure that they get the right treatment and always try to help environment and motivate people to go green and plant trees in the surrounding community. 
The other quality is that in his duty of thirty years in PWD department as a employee,he came with outstanding record and never indulged in corruption or dishonest behavior. In fact it was due to this attitude he was one of the senior most respected person who was considered part of decision making process.I love my grandfather for his service to humanity and putting family, friends, and work as his frist choice.
I love his quality of treating everyone in a equal way and no bias on basis of sex,religion or race.He does not believe in reservation and always motivated my grandma to not leave the education and even stressed her to get a degree and finally she also become a teacher.
His ideology means to have discipline in life and and never give up attitude.My father tells me about many of instances about my grandfather about how he kept our my family together and fulfill their needs at time of financial crises in the family and was successful in every situation and gave everyone education and fulfill everyone needs.
Now he is retired person and gets a very less pension but I found it really amazing whenever someone knocks the door for some charity or money,he is always there to give some part of money and never let them go emply handed.I have seen him going regularly to Gurudwara to clean the nearby temple and distributing bread and food to the poor every 15 days which show how great he is and this really makes me proud of my grandfather.

For me other role model is one of the greatest person first and cricketer Sir Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar.I have been watching him since I started playing cricket in my school days and is so impressed by his excellence to maintain a professional approach both in his personal and cricket lifestyle.He is the person who is considered as  God of Cricket to many, hero and idol figure for everyone.
Sachin Tendulkar started playing professional cricket in such an early age and represented our country India for more than 20 years which is such an incredible feat and simply impossible to achieve by any other cricketer in this world.It is known that he would practice batting skills for hours at the net session and was never afraid of facing tough competitions from the opponents or senior cricketers of his age.His commitment,passion and fight hard spirit makes me him as a role model too.

Thanks to my idols for inspiring me to follow the right path and motivating me.

I am writing about #MyRoleModel as a part of the activity by Gillette India in association with BlogAdda.com.

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  1. Such a sweet tribute to a very loved grandpa :) Good luck for the contest!

